[eli5] how does Parkinson’s work? does it happen when you flex certain body muscles?


[eli5] how does Parkinson’s work? does it happen when you flex certain body muscles?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Parkinson’s attacks the neurons and nerve receptors in the brain. It causes a rapid decay and alters the natural cycle of death and rebirth our cells naturally experience (although this decays as we get older). Because of this as our neurons, the cells responsible for sending movement signals to our muscles, become impaired and unable to perform to what we want them to do or create dopamine, a reason for the movement issues (like trembling). The rest of the mind hasn’t deteriorated yet as fast as the muscles so it creates a very clear disjunction and acute awareness that the body isn’t doing as it is told. Parkinson’s also impacts the nerve endings that produce norepinephrine, this is the main chemical responsible for maintaining the sympathetic nervous system that moderates blood pressure, heart rate etc. This loss explains the digestive and fatigue issues regularly recorded and stated. Parkinson’s is a horrid degenerative disease and I hope that noone you or I know experience it.

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