eli5: How does rubbing your hand against a stainless steel remove smells?


I still don’t understand how those steel egg that is said to remove smell works!

In: Chemistry

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The theory is that the chromium oxide on the outside of the steel soap bonds with sulfur that is left on your hand by “smelly” items like garlic and onions. “Liquid soap” does not bond to sulfur to help remove it and instead uses fragrances to cover up smells.

Now, I can’t speak to whether it actually works through the stated mechanism. Anecdotally I can say that it does help – it does not fully remove the smell, but after washing my hands with soap, smelling them, then using stainless steel and smelling them again the remaining odor is greatly diminished.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t. They are scams. There is no scientific evidence that they work as advertised.

It’s no different than claims that wearing copper bracelets reduce arthritis or hanging a crystal over your bed help you to sleep peacefully. All scams.