eli5: How does smacking a TV make it work again?


Sometimes when TVs show nothing but fuzzy static, in the correct channel, people can hit them and it ‘fixes’ it and displays the correct image, how does that work? What’s initially wrong and then what gets fixed?

I’m not sure if it happens with new TVs though.

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8 Answers

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It is called “Percussive Maintenance”

Before the mass availability of integrated circuits, electronics used many more components, much bigger components with much pigger solder points.

As time goes forward those connections can oxidate and stop conducting. Smacking something can scrape off some of the oxidations and make the conduct again. HOWEVER over time the repetitive scraping can eat away the contact as a whole and dislodge conponents, broking the thing itself

If you have to smack your TV to fix it, consider it broken, smacking is just a bandaid… The more you hit it the more it is going to broke, until it is broken permanently

Todays technology uses ever so smaller and more integrated chips, if something breaks it is most probably inside a chip, hitting it doesn’t help it is burned out…

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