Eli5: How does stretching affect the body?


Animals and humans alike seem to enjoy a good stretch when first waking up or after being still for a long time. What affect does stretching have on the body that makes it so instinctual?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It increases blood flow to those muscles and helps get rid of any lactic acid that has built up

Anonymous 0 Comments

Stretching does a few different things. First, it helps to align the tissues that connect your muscles to your bones. Second, whenever you move a muscle, the muscle will send signals communicating how long it has been extended. If it extends too far, it will receive a message telling it to contract – the purpose being to prevent injury. This message can be overridden by stretching correctly, granting a higher range of motion.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because if you don’t use several muscles for example in your legs or something if you sit for extended periods of time then the muscles tighten, when you stretch you loosen up those muscles and help you keep your muscles strong and flexible. Also to add onto this the reason why stretches feel so good is because the nerves in your body send messages to your brain saying, “bruh this shit **GOOD**”

Also I may be wrong but I’m almost certain this is right