Eli5: How does surround sound work?


I understand audio is split between left and eight speakers, however good surround sound seems to come from bellow, above, even behind you. How?

In: Technology

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Well I don’t think there is a lot much about it. As said, the stereo had those two channels, left and right, that are commonly divided in two to offer that feeling of surrounding.

Another technique is the division of frequencies. Lower frequencies for drums and bass are located at the lower levels (on the floor for example). In a car for example, this speaker is located in the trunk so all the vibrations are transmitted to the car and you fill the beats with your car. Pretty nice. Them you have medium frequencies and high frequencies. For high frequencies, as they are easily absorbed and faded, they are usually placed close to the ears and at the same height.

So, with those two techniques, the display is easy and has wide variety of combinations. That will depend on the type of music you want to hear.

I forgot something that is related to this last thing (the type of music). It is the equalizer. It filters the sound and imitates and environment. For example a concert or a disco. They are usually included in the surroundings systems.