Eli5 how does the brain store the meaning of words in your head?


Does it link words to pictures in your mind? So there is a mapping from the word “owl” to a picture of an owl in your head?

Can I also add that I don’t think this mapping involves word definitions, so for example the word owl won’t map to the word definition of an owl since you need to define words in the definition itself. This causes a never ending chain as you keep having to define words in further definitions.

In: Other

16 Answers

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ELI25: The brain stores the meaning of words (as well as concepts, ideas, experiences, memories, emotions, actions, etc etc) in the form of [neuronal ensembles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuronal_ensemble). These neuronal ensembles are formed through [synaptic plasticity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synaptic_plasticity).

ELI5: When two neurons in the brain are close together and fire off at the same time, they tend to form connections with each other. In this fashion the word “owl” can become connected to the word “bird” which in turn might already be connected to concepts, ideas, memories, experiences and emotions that have already been associated with birds in general (such as wings, feathers and flight). In time, with additional stimulation, the neurons associated with the word “owl” will develop shorter and stronger connections with the same neurons that are associated with owl-related concepts/ideas/memories/emotions/experiences. This causes your understanding of the word “owl” to mature and begins to develop as an independent concept separate from the spoken word itself.

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