Eli5 how does the brain store the meaning of words in your head?


Does it link words to pictures in your mind? So there is a mapping from the word “owl” to a picture of an owl in your head?

Can I also add that I don’t think this mapping involves word definitions, so for example the word owl won’t map to the word definition of an owl since you need to define words in the definition itself. This causes a never ending chain as you keep having to define words in further definitions.

In: Other

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Images? Lol:)

Some of us have no linking of an image to anything at all.

If I think of an “owl”, then it links to the concept of “what an owl *is*”, e.g bird, can fly, silent in the air, flexible neck, etc. At no point is an image involved.

I am curious how you mind deals with the definition of words that are concepts – have no image. E.g Logistics, Faith, Calculus, Like, Fear etc?


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