eli5: how does the function of a car change when put into “econ” mode?


Im not quite sure if I worded this properly but basically I’m asking what changes in the car when we put it in econ mode? Like how is it that I waste less gas in econ mode when driving at the same speed as if I wasnt? Or how does the air conditioner work more efficiently?

In: 9

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the car but it basically reduces the effort needed by your car. It adjust the throttle, making you accelerate at a slower rate (cuts the horse power and torque). Its adjusts your AC so cooling the car takes longer. It adjusts the transmission by shifting at lower RPMs. But again the features change from car to car.

Dont use ECON if you’re towing, on super hot days you need AC and if you need to pass another car.

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