eli5: How does the observable universe work?


If the universe is 13.8 billion years old, how can we see things 28 billion light-years from us? Doesn’t seem like there is enough time for the light to reach us.

In: 45

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a very generic sense: The Observable Universe is everything what we can see.

What I mean by that is: The speed of light is *whatever-it-is,* and the Universe is 13.8B years old. That means the light can only travel a maximum distance of [13.8Billion x The Speed Of Light]. Anything further away than that distance, we physically cannot see because the light (the thing that lets us see it) hasnt traveled far enough in the time since the Universe formed…

Again, not 100% accurate and correct I know, but thats the general idea…

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