eli5 How does this color trick work?


In the link, a person has a page with a black to white gradient printed on it. In each top corner, there is a square colored to the opposite side (black square in the white corner, white square in the black corner. The person moves a square that appears to be colored the same as the center of the gradient, but when they move it around it shifts color. Please explain how/why this appears to be happening and what is actually happening.


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The squares in the corner as well as the square being moved are all actually the same color. Our brains are really good at adjusting for context. When against a light background, our brains interpret the color as darker. And likewise when against a dark background it interprets the color as lighter. The color doesn’t shift, but your perception of the color does. You can even screenshot the video or find the source image used in the video and use a photo editor to reproduce the optical illusion.