eli5 How does traffic work?


Interstate traffic. Highways are so full of traffic lights and sharp turns so I get that. But how does traffic work on an interstate? Every turn is designed so you don’t have to stop. Every merge is seamless.

Yet SOMEHOW every road-trip runs into the whole thing being in a complete standstill. How does that work? What does the front of that look like? What’s happening?

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5 Answers

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Take a funnel.

Put it under your faucet.

Turn the water low.

The funnel never backs up.

Turn the water halfway.

Funnel starts to back up.

Crank the faucet to full.

Funnel overflows.

There’s only so much capacity on the road, same way there’s only so much diameter to the funnel.

When more water, more cars, attempt to access that same diameter of funnel, the same amount of road, things back up.

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