Eli5: How don’t our lungs get clogged or permanently damaged from the average dust we inhale?


I mean regular, floaty gray dust that you find in the average house. The stuff that spreads out after hitting a pillow or a curtain, but not limited to that. Does our mucus do everything, and no smaller particles make it deep into our breathing apparatus and clogging it?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The nose and mucus of our airway do a pretty good job of keeping most stuff out of our lungs. Too much dust could cause coughing to expel it. I believe the lungs also have macrophages to deal with contaminants.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your airways are lined with sticky goop and tiny hairs.

The dust gets stuck in the goop, and the hairs waft it up and out of you. Then you either cough/blow it out, or swallow it.