Eli5: How effective were flamethrowers when they were still in use in the military and what were the dangers of operating one?


Eli5: How effective were flamethrowers when they were still in use in the military and what were the dangers of operating one?

In: 57

11 Answers

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Flamethrower is extremely effective in close proximity. Fire can bounce off surface of wall and objects to give you ability to clear corner, which is impossible with normal rifles. Flamethrower doesn’t require precise aim and can cover a bigger angular view quickly compared to rifle. Flamethrower can easily inflict terror on enemy. Downside of flamethrower is short range and slow projectile speed. So you need to focus play on spot with cover instead of open field to get the most out of it. Smoke and fire covering your view is another downside. You can also easily kill yourself with flamethrower if not careful. Due to its bouncing off capability, playing around mates is dangerous, so solo play is ideal. Flamethrower tank can explode and blow up if shot, which can immediately kill you, but also “gives” you a free molotov cocktail to deny enemy’s advance. By the way, this is from my experience with flamethrower in game, real life experience can differ.

A fun fact: Flamethrower in german is called ‘Flammenwerfer’.


*”Hans, go take the Flammenwerfer!”*

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