[ELI5] How far can you magnify radiant energy such as sunlight?


It is my understanding that you can only heat something up to the temerpature the source of heat is. so if i have 10 1 sqft lenses focussing on 1 1sqft lens i would get 10x the energy [roughly] the 1sqft lens would focus. but if i did this in several levels making a million 1sqft of mirrors focussing to a thousand, focussing to 1 I would not get a million times the energy [roughly]

Is this correct?


-i want to justify a high atmosphere magnifier rendering the Land below into dust. id rather it was a passive effect than needs a solar array and emitters of some kind.

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unfortunately you can’t just stack lenses like that, or rather, it won’t give you the effect you are after.

A magnifying glass can make the Sun look bigger from the point of view of a small spot on the ground. This small spot thus gets more sunlight, and so gets hotter. A large magnifying glass in the sky could do the same for a big area of ground (though still much smaller than the magnifying glass itself). To heat an entire hemisphere would require a magnifying glass many times the diameter of the Earth, presumably floating around in orbit.

[Here](https://what-if.xkcd.com/145/) is a good xkcd explanation.

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