eli5 How have we made animated movies with fluid, realistic human movement, but the same still can’t be achieved in video games?


eli5 How have we made animated movies with fluid, realistic human movement, but the same still can’t be achieved in video games?

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In movies, the animators control everything.
They know where the “camera” is, they know where the person is, they know where everything the human interacts with, what it is and how big it is.
And if they don’t like any of that they can change it.
Often they’ll have a human in a suit that they can track really easy just do the thing, so they know that thing looks human because it’s a recording of a human.

The problem with the game is that the game dev isn’t in control. The controller is in your hand.
You may for example swing a sword to hit an orc, an elf, a dwarf or a wall.
There are just so many things you can swing a sword at that the game dev can’t figure out everything, so he makes a “close enough” thing that works OK for almost everything, but doesn’t work perfectly for anything.

In addition the movie guy can take as long as they want and if they still don’t like it, they can just hit delete and start over.
The game dev has to get it right the first time, and dozens of times a second.

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