eli5 How have we made animated movies with fluid, realistic human movement, but the same still can’t be achieved in video games?


eli5 How have we made animated movies with fluid, realistic human movement, but the same still can’t be achieved in video games?

In: Technology

8 Answers

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Two main reasons:

– Most movies use motion capture these days – they put a human in a mocap suit, capture their movement and then layer an animation on top of it. This creates realistic movement because, well, it is. Video games still have to simulate every single move and they miss a lot of the little idiosyncrasies that make movement look real.

– Video games have to make tradeoffs. The consoles are only so powerful and those resources have to be allocated across all of the tasks that need to be done. We could increase realistic movement, but that might mean we get to put fewer textures on the model, reduce draw distances, eliminate NPCs, etc. It is a balancing act and eventually it is ‘good enough’ for its purposes.

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