eli5: How important is the consistent spread of macro nutrients?


I understand the importance of spreading out your macro nutrient intake, but over how long period do you need to consume them.

Would eating 0 grams protein one day, 100 grams next, and 200 grams third day even out?

In: 2

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some nutrients have much shorter shelf life and you can only absorb so much of it as well.

Vitamin Pills are mostly just turned into piss.

You don’t need to eat Spinach and Blueberries and Salmon everyday but you shouldn’t not eat them ever.

There are also many things that food has that aren’t on the labels but you should consume.

In general a variety of food sources and if it helps also try and get as many different colors as possible (Reds, Greens, Blues, Oranges, Yellows not just brown, white, black and “golden”).

I’d like someone with more knowledge to help me with this thought:

I’m under the impression that if you eat “this” with “this” (or maybe it’s make sure to drink as well?) that you have a better chance at actually absorbing the nutrients. I forget what “this” is.

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