eli5: How important is the consistent spread of macro nutrients?


I understand the importance of spreading out your macro nutrient intake, but over how long period do you need to consume them.

Would eating 0 grams protein one day, 100 grams next, and 200 grams third day even out?

In: 2

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s not a single answer. How much protein your body can absorb at a time doesn’t have great data and there’s lots of assertions from 25g to unlimited floating around.

At an extreme, you could eat 0 calories for three days and then 6000 calories. That’s very clearly not the same as 2000 per day. That may not be the same when comparing 2000 over 8 hours versus 2000 spread over 16.

Unfortunately, it’s complicated. Eating basically reasonably on a daily basis is probably better, but even that is a weak probably. Nutrition science is lacking.

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