eli5 How is current the same in a series circuit, if voltage changes?


I watched so many youtube videos about electronics but i cant seem to understand what is voltage and current. If I = V/R, then in a series circuit, if the voltage is reducing after each component, then the current should also decrease right? I don’t understand the water pipe analogy

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12 Answers

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Electrons going down the voltage gradient are like if bumper cars were lined up bumper to bumper pushing down a long downhill ramp.

The car at the top of the hill has the most potential energy; the car at the bottom of the hill has the least. But still, cars **have** to come off the bottom of the ramp as quickly as they are added to the top of the ramp.

The ramp is a series circuit. The cars are electric charges. The rate of traffic flow is current.

Capacitors change the rules a bit, adding a capacitor is like placing a rest stop next to the road, but there’s no way back out except by driving backwards up the offramp.

All of this stuff is required by conservation of mass & energy.

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