Eli5 – How is fruit that is chewed better for you than fruit that is blended / juiced?


Is fruit that is juiced or blended better than no fruit at all? Or, is it better to avoid any juiced fruit?

I like the flavour of fruit but not the texture, because of this I avoid all fruit and am pretty close minded on trying anything new due to price and waste.

I recently debated buying baby blended fruit pouches to add vitamins into my diet; is this something that will be better than avoiding fruit all together?

Thank you for any comments in advance!

Edit: Thank you all so much for your replies, and as well for the suggestions and advice!

In: 10

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“better” for you ( or “healthy”) can be interpreted a few ways,

Weight gain / loss – fruit that is unprocessed has large chunks of fibrous matter that takes a long time to break down inside you, leaving you feeling fuller for longer.

Nutrition wise – home blended fruit is pretty much identical provided you do no straining, separating or sugaring etc. Home cooked fruit is less nutritious as the good stuff gets broken down into sugary carbohydrates (where the caramelized flavour comes from).

Store-bought processed foods usually combine the worst of all worlds to give you a sugared, cooked and strained product that has little nutritional value, littered with unnatural chemicals to prevent spoilage, digests instantly leaving you hungry for more, and will last longer on your shelf / fridge.

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