ELI5- How is it that you can crave something so specifically?


For example, specifically a cheeseburger with bacon, blue cheese, and caramelized onions rather than just a cheese burger, or a specific kind of dessert.

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1) Food triggers the brain’s reward center. Especially those high in fat, salt and sugar. The foods you list are high in fat and salt, and the caramelized onions and probably the bun have sugar.

2) You learn to crave specific foods not just for the nutritional content, but also because you associate it with memories and/or other things that made you feel good. Maybe this is the hamburger you enjoyed at a time in your life you were feeling great, were having a good time with friends etc.

3) Maybe something that’s connected to that food in your brain was triggered recently. For instance, you saw a commercial about french cheese. That made you think of blue cheese. And blue cheese immediately made you think of that burger.

tl;dr: the brain can make weird associations between things, and it’s all your own fault

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Most likely because you have positive memories and/or experiences associated with that specific food combination.