Eli5. How its possible for the light to travel constantly with out stop slowing down from the most old galaxies?


Eli5. How its possible for the light to travel constantly with out stop slowing down from the most old galaxies?

In: Physics

14 Answers

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Fundamental conceptually innaccurate understanding of light. Light has no speed.

If youre reading a blank book, but letters appear on the page as soon as you turn the page and can see them. Do they have a speed?
They appear at the speed you turn the page, not of their own innate properties. This is not a ‘speed’ but a characteristic defined by something else.

Light doesnt move. It exists everywhere along its path as soon as its created. What you call speed of light, is the maximum speed we can change something in the universe. The speed of causality.

Because light exists everywhere along its path, theres nothing to slow down. Thats your answer.

ELI15; This is a fundamental conceptual misunderstanding. All the documentaries, science books etc would do well to change “speed of light” to “speed of causality” per Einstein.

Light does not travel in the sense we think about.

Light exists in a line along its path immediately upon being created.

When someone says light speed is X, what they mean is the speed of causality is X. The speed at which anything can experience a change in information.

So you might say? Well, isnt that the same? No, because light exists immediately along a trajectory, it doesnt have a mass to slow down. It isn’t moving like how we innately understand movement.

Counter to this is light slowing in a medium. Dont be confused. 2 different mediums are being discussed. One medium actually slows causality. The other medium does not slow causality.

1. Light appears slower in a gravity well, this is a type of medium. This is because causality slows. The rate at which our reality can experience a change in data slows.

2. Light appears to slow in a crystal or other object, because it physically interacts, is absorbed, re-emitted. Basically bounces around causing it to “appear slowed” . This is a different kind of medium. The reaction at the quantum level results in the added time not light traveling.

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