Eli5 how they did the practice runs on Top Gun Maverick


Hopefully not a spoiler – when they are “practicing” that specific terrain for the mission they are practicing in the US. Does their monitor simulate the terrain on their screen? How are they practicing the steep climb into and out of the target space without actually being at that topology? I assume it’s not just movie hand-waving since they had navy consultants for the movie – so how do you practice flying a specific course without being actually on that course physically?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In simple terms, the flight GPS system is fed the same 3d visualisation that you see on screen in the movie. So the GPS and other devices essentially put the plane in the 3d space i.e. The valley. Now the data has the exact length breadth and height of the valley so as soon as the plane’s coordinate bypass that an alarm is triggered.

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Hopefully not a spoiler – when they are “practicing” that specific terrain for the mission they are practicing in the US. Does their monitor simulate the terrain on their screen? How are they practicing the steep climb into and out of the target space without actually being at that topology? I assume it’s not just movie hand-waving since they had navy consultants for the movie – so how do you practice flying a specific course without being actually on that course physically?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In simple terms, the flight GPS system is fed the same 3d visualisation that you see on screen in the movie. So the GPS and other devices essentially put the plane in the 3d space i.e. The valley. Now the data has the exact length breadth and height of the valley so as soon as the plane’s coordinate bypass that an alarm is triggered.

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