eli5: How was the Great Pyramid build so quickly?


The Great Pyramid has an estimates 2.3 million 6 ton blocks and was built over a period of 27 years. Just doing the math shows they would have had to place one block every 6 minute.

2,300,000 / 27 = 85,185 blocks a year
85,185 / 365 = 233 blocks a day
233 / 24 = 9.7 blocks an hour, round that to 10.

So 10 blocks an hour or 1 block every 6 minutes for 27 years. Not counting time off for nights and whatnot.

I know they used a lot of people, somewhere in the tens of thousands, but this seems fast. Am I missing something?

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7 Answers

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Egypt is one of the most fertile lands on Earth. They are able to grow huge amounts of grain to feed an enormous population thanks to the fertilizing silt that gets washed down the Nile. The issue with this much food is that while the farmers work the fields for a few months a year there is not much for them to do the rest of the year. In other parts of the world you would have had to do a lot more work to grow the same amount of food. So Egypt had a huge labor force without anything to do for most of the year. We think that the entire country got together in this off-season and built monuments like the pyramid. Each worker may only have been able to place one or two blocks a year.

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