eli5: How was the Great Pyramid build so quickly?


The Great Pyramid has an estimates 2.3 million 6 ton blocks and was built over a period of 27 years. Just doing the math shows they would have had to place one block every 6 minute.

2,300,000 / 27 = 85,185 blocks a year
85,185 / 365 = 233 blocks a day
233 / 24 = 9.7 blocks an hour, round that to 10.

So 10 blocks an hour or 1 block every 6 minutes for 27 years. Not counting time off for nights and whatnot.

I know they used a lot of people, somewhere in the tens of thousands, but this seems fast. Am I missing something?

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7 Answers

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Egypt had a million people living in it. Almost all farmers. The growing season was strictly determined by the flooding of the Nile.

Between growing seasons, farmers had to perform work for the country. Usually this was working on irrigation canals and dykes. But they could also be made to work on building temples, pyramids, etc.

So Egypt had access to vast numbers of workers for unskilled physical labor like moving stone blocks.

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