eli5: How was the Great Pyramid build so quickly?


The Great Pyramid has an estimates 2.3 million 6 ton blocks and was built over a period of 27 years. Just doing the math shows they would have had to place one block every 6 minute.

2,300,000 / 27 = 85,185 blocks a year
85,185 / 365 = 233 blocks a day
233 / 24 = 9.7 blocks an hour, round that to 10.

So 10 blocks an hour or 1 block every 6 minutes for 27 years. Not counting time off for nights and whatnot.

I know they used a lot of people, somewhere in the tens of thousands, but this seems fast. Am I missing something?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

PBS did a study on this estimating that 20,000 – 30,000 people worked on the Great Pryamid. They were able to manage 186 blocks in 21 days with a team of 12 people.

[PBS Experiment](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/explore/builders.html#:~:text=NOVA%3A%20Herodotus%2C%20the%20Greek%20historian,figure%20more%20like%2020%2C000%20workers.)

Using that 233 blocks per day estimate and a workforce of 20,000 then a team of 85 people would only have to handle 1 block per day for completion within 27 yrs.

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