eli5: How was the internet made?


eli5: How was the internet made?

In: 31

5 Answers

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The internet started as high speed communication between universities and academic centers.

That was the initial groundwork of the internet. Universities and research centers all paying the money to wire themselves together so they could pass information from on another faster. And then they figured out that if A was connected to B, and B was connected to C, they didn’t have to build a new wire connecting A to C, they realized they could just set it up to connect through B.

Do this but with dozens of locations across and you get “Arpanet”. Or Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Look up “arpanet” map and you can see all the locations that were included in this original network. And looking at that map you’ll see it kinda looks like a web, like a spider web, that’s where the nickname “the web” came from. Because when you mapped out all the connections that’s what it looked like.

Anyways. That was the initial network infrastructure, wires connecting research locations so they could share data. That was the base ground.

Then over the years it was just expanded and expanded and expanded gradually.

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