eli5: How/why can we “hear” our thoughts?


Unsure if the flair is correct. The title pretty much says it all, in the best way I could think to word it.

In: 17

5 Answers

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So the simplest answer is that we don’t really know. We know that the process of subvocalization (when you read and your “hear” the words) involves some cool and interesting stuff happening like nearly imperceptible movements in your larynx (as though your brain is making you silently talk)

But not everybody has that. People born deaf dont hear words when they read or when they think, but they’re still able to do so. And you can actually learn not to subvocalize when you read. Though I dont know if you can learn to eliminate your auditory internal monologue

Equally interesting is that some people, despite having fully functional sight, have no internal “mind’s eye”. They cant see imagery in their head (a condition called aphantasia)

We know a bit about what parts of the brain are activating when we subvocalize and we have theories about its purpose (for instance it might be related to the process of memory storage)

But the simplest and most accurate explanation that can be given about how or why it works is that we dont really know yet

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