[ELI5] I live in Australia, here the sun sets at 6 pm. How come in Los Angeles it sets at 8pm?


Is it due to the position on the earth in relation to earths axis?

In: Earth Science

7 Answers

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A lot of weird answers here, but it has to do with the curvature and tilt of the earth. The further you are from the equator (latitude) the more the length if the days changes throughout the year, depending on how much of the earth is tilted towards the sun. In equatorial regions, the days are close to the same length throughout the year. I’m located more northerly and in the winter the sun sets at about 4:30pm. In the summer it sets at 9:30. I uave west-facing windows and the point on the horizon where the sun goes down shifts through the year nearly across the entire field of view. It’s a very significant change. If you go far enough north or south, you get to places where the sun doesn’t rise at all for a brief period in the winter, and doesn’t set at all in the summer. This is all due to the tilt of the earth and where it is at in it’s annual orbit of the sun.

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