[ELI5] I live in Australia, here the sun sets at 6 pm. How come in Los Angeles it sets at 8pm?


Is it due to the position on the earth in relation to earths axis?

In: Earth Science

7 Answers

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Depends on where you are in relation to timezones — are you at the front of the zone or back of the zone — and also proximity to the equator.

On the equator, sun sets at the same time every day. In the Arctic/Antarctic circles, they have periods of the year where it’d dark for weeks without any sunrise and times where it’s light for weeks without any sunset. In between there are different variances between shortest and longest days.

But in addition to natural variations in sunrise/sunset patterns, there are man-made ones with timezones. They are often shifted to correspond to country borders and not even all the time, and there are variances whether you’re at the front of the zone of back of the zone.

As an example, I live in Illinois, which is in the Central US time zone, while Indiana, the state to our East, is in the Eastern time zone. So if one were to be near the border of the two states, the sunset would be an hour later on the Indiana side, ie. if it’s 6pm there it’d only 5pm across the border in Illinois. Same time of year, same latitude, etc. but hour difference in sunset time. But if one were in the far Eastern part of the time zone on same latitude like New Jersey, the sunset might have been at 4pm!

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