ELI5. If a computer is made up of preprogrammed circuits, then how does it display anything on its screen, even if that particular thing hasn’t been preprogrammed in its circuits?


ELI5. If a computer is made up of preprogrammed circuits, then how does it display anything on its screen, even if that particular thing hasn’t been preprogrammed in its circuits?

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it like a bunch of clouds and how we humans tend to see patterns/shapes in clouds.

The circuits are kinda like air molecules. They know nothing about the pattern being formed, or whether or not the cloud looks like a giant banana. Each electronic circuit follows a set of very specific rules, much like the air molecules.

But when combined together, and given the right conditions, those air molecules can creates shapes in the sky that we humans interpret as a banana. Same thing with electronic circuits. Each individual circuit is designed to turn specific pixels on the screen on/off. The job of a programmer is to give the circuits the right set of instructions so that the eventual outcome is a banana on your screen.

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