eli5 if a wingsuit allows you fly, why do you still need a parachute? couldn’t you glide to a landing?


Why can’t you just slowly bleed off speed and just land like a flying squirrel or other animals that glide? Why do you need a parachute?

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10 Answers

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People in wingsuits are frequently dropped from miles above the ground. Even with a wingsuit, the minimum vertical speed that you can reach while falling is still around 40 miles per hour. If you’re really careful, you can get that to 15 miles per hour temporarily.

In order to land, you need to manage to convert your downward momentum into sideways momentum, then stop that sideways momentum at the precise moment that you need to land.

The pinpoint accuracy needed to pull this maneuver off while super close to the ground is crazy and impossible for all intents and purposes. Even if it were possible, the risks associated with messing it up would be very high.

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