eli5 if a wingsuit allows you fly, why do you still need a parachute? couldn’t you glide to a landing?


Why can’t you just slowly bleed off speed and just land like a flying squirrel or other animals that glide? Why do you need a parachute?

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10 Answers

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[People have done it – Gary Connery for example.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5_ITt2LM0A) You’re still travelling pretty quickly, its still gonna _hurt_.

[And this guy into water.](https://youtu.be/o2xmAWS4akE?t=122) – they’re still going pretty fast, if he had face-planted it could have easily broken his neck.

The problem is, once you flare (and trade airspeed for altitude), you’re no longer flying fast enough for your wingsuit to give you any lift, so you’ll pop up… and then plummet straight down. A wingsuit isnt’ really much of a lift generating body, its more of a controlled descent.

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