eli5: if cigarettes contain so many bad chemicals, then can’t we just take them out?


my biology textbook says that there are over 60 carcinogens in cigarettes that cause cancer, but can’t we take them out? aren’t people just addicted to the nicotine? couldn’t we just put nicotine and some sort of smoke producing substance that isn’t a carcinogen and leave it at that

Edit: Thank you for the answers, everyone!

In: 43

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You just described a Vape pen. MOST of those 60 chemicals are added by the tobacco companies, each for a specific purpose > Self extinguishing, preservative, moisture retaining, burn rate control, flavor enhancement, etc. They ain’t real likely to take those out. As a 70yo who smoke 3 packs a day for almost 60 years, my best advice is just DON’T. We ALL have a tendency to feel immortal and invulnerable UP UNTIL the time things start to catch up with us. In my case, COPD and emphysema. And it fucking hurts. And scares the shit outta me. And THAT ain’t easy to do. I’m a war hardened ole cuss, and there are only two things on this rock that I am actually afraid of. They’re both spiders. But smothering for air sucks worse than anything else.

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