[ELI5] If Earth is a sphere, which way would we be standing if we dug straight down?


[ELI5] If Earth is a sphere, which way would we be standing if we dug straight down?

Which way would you end up in? I wanna know because if you have ever looked at a ball, we know that if you went straight through it. We’d basically be upside down. So does that mean it applies if we do the same with Earth? If you don’t understand what I mean, there is a part from the game Plants vs Zombies where you can go to your achievements, when you scroll all the way to the bottom, you end up upside down but the zombies are standing up perfectly fine.

In: Earth Science

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You could only feasibly dig “straight down” until you reached the Earth’s center of gravity. At thay point, to keep on digging in the same direction, you’re have to dig “straight up”.

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