eli5: If I’m in the Southern hemisphere and I see the full moon, will someone in the Northern hemisphere see it too?


eli5: If I’m in the Southern hemisphere and I see the full moon, will someone in the Northern hemisphere see it too?

In: Earth Science

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They could; it really depends how far you are. You could be in Ecuador, standing in the southern hemisphere, and someone three feet away from you could be in the northern hemisphere because you’re both right next to the equator. 🙂 In that case the two of you would be seeing 99.999% the same sky and you’d probably both see the moon.

The further apart you get, the less sky you’d have “in common”.

My intuition says that somewhere between 90 and 180 degrees of angular separation you’d no longer have any sky in common, but I’m not sure I have the geometry skill to figure out exactly where.

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