Eli5 ?If jelly fish can’t die of old age and reproduce why haven’t just taken everything over


A question my girlfriend asked and she’s not happy with any of my answers

In: Biology

7 Answers

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I do want to point out that they very well might take everything over in a few years; with climate change, warming oceans causes jellyfish eggs to hatch at a faster rate than before, which means higher jellyfish populations.

Already in Japan, I believe, a lot of fishing boats are having the problem where they catch a majority of inedible jellyfish and only a small amount of fish compared to the hauls they were getting in the past

Edit: here’s an ABC news article from 2019 about it: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-06/the-magic-and-mayhem-of-jellyfish/10377112

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