ELI5- If light is both a wave and a particle, why isn’t there visible buildup of those particles from the sun and whatnot?


ELI5- If light is both a wave and a particle, why isn’t there visible buildup of those particles from the sun and whatnot?

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20 Answers

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Plants, they grow by absorbing sunlight and carbon dioxide. The air. It warms up in sunlight. Why/how? Its absorbing the photons the sun gives off. You make vitamin D by absorbing sunlight. Solar panels work by their atoms taking in excess energy from photons.

Mater absorbs and releases energy. Light is energy. There are no piles of photons laying about because plants, animals, the air, the dirt, EVERYTHING absorbs it and makes use of it in some way. Even if that use is simply converting the light into heat.

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