ELI5. If livestock contributes to greenhouse gas emission, shouldn’t we eat more meat to get rid of them? Wouldn’t eating plants reduce the overall photosynthesis which contributes to less CO2?


ELI5. If livestock contributes to greenhouse gas emission, shouldn’t we eat more meat to get rid of them? Wouldn’t eating plants reduce the overall photosynthesis which contributes to less CO2?

In: Chemistry

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Huh? No. The point is to eat *less* meat so there’s less demand, and thus fewer animals raised as livestock and all the benefits that come with that (less greenhouse house emissions, less pollution, less water use, less land used, fewer forests destroyed…etc). I’m not sure how you arrived at the conclusion that the amount of plant matter we eat has any measurable effect on the total mass of plant matter on the planet, and thus how much CO2 said plants sequester, but I assure you that you are incorrect.

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