ELI5. If livestock contributes to greenhouse gas emission, shouldn’t we eat more meat to get rid of them? Wouldn’t eating plants reduce the overall photosynthesis which contributes to less CO2?


ELI5. If livestock contributes to greenhouse gas emission, shouldn’t we eat more meat to get rid of them? Wouldn’t eating plants reduce the overall photosynthesis which contributes to less CO2?

In: Chemistry

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To clarify, you’re thinking we should eat more meat to reduce livestock population? If demand for meat increases significantly then farms will increase supply in order to meet that demand. Meat also takes more energy and work to process for mass consumption, which means more fuel burned in power plants to supply factories with processing power. There are enough plants supplying oxygen that eating more plants would not significantly reduce photosynthesis, and growing those plants would actually increase photosynthesis. Many people’s reasons for being vegetarian/vegan include that eating less meat will have a positive impact on greenhouse gases.

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