eli5 if maps are inaccurate because we can’t project spheres on 2d planes. what happens if we actually decide to map the earth “by hand”?


Like let’s say that we start on the cape of goodwill for example and follow the coast.

Represent each 1km with 1mm for example on our map (map size isn’t a problem just for the sake of the argument). Getting the directions of drawing off a compass exactly. And just walk around all the coasts of the world.

What type of map do we end up with in this hypothetical?

In: 5

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Are maps inaccurate? Or are people using the wrong maps?

Mercator projection is the classic case. It is designed for navigation. If you use a protractor to measure an angle on the map, then followed that compass course, you would end up where you want to go (allowing for weather, terrain etc.)

It does distort the land shapes, but it is designed for accurate angles, not accurate representation of size.

Just as a screwdriver isn’t used for nails, or a hammer for screws (except in my city) it’s about picking the right tool for the job

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