eli5: If our own endogenous opioids are stronger than morphine then why do people need pain killers?


For example beta-endorphin which is produced by our bodies during pain, stress, exercise, pleasure, is 18 to 33 stronger than morphine according to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta-Endorphin under “Pain Management” so why would we even need pain killers?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

First of all morphine isn’t going to replace/negate beta-endorphin. It’s just going to provide pain relief on top of it.

Second, it’s likely being measured by volume or number of molecules that can attach to receptors or something. If beta endorphin is 33 times stronger, it’s the same strength as 33 times as much morphine.

Also, morphine is actually a fairly weak opiate iirc. Dilaudid and fentanyl are supposedly where it’s at.

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