Eli5 If the body is constantly renewing at a cellular level,why does the body reject organs or limbs from transplants?


ie, if every cell is constantly replaced wouldn’t the organ eventually be replaced by your own cells that your isn’t trying to kill?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> if every cell is constantly replaced

New cells don’t just magically appear in tissue, hurled there from some central cell factory in the body. Cells divide to produce new cells, so for example new skin cells are going to be coming from the adjacent skin.

This means that a transplant is going to be growing new cells from its own old cells, retaining the DNA of the donor. It isn’t going to end up riddled with new organ cells with the DNA of the recipient. You can imagine this like human populations, if you transplant a community of ethnic Chinese people into the UK they won’t just randomly start popping out Caucasian babies from sheer proximity.

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