eli5: If the sun revolves around the galaxy, why do we still see the same constellation that was discovered by the Romans (probably 1000s of years ago). surely they should have been scattered by now due to revolution of the sun combined with the revolution of the earth around with sun


Thnx to all, for the answer. I had a good time discussing and clearing my doubt.

In: 179

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Even though earth’s orbit around the sun takes up a huge amount of space, it’s nothing compared to how far those stars are.

Imagine if you’re sitting in the stands of a football field, and on the other side of the stadium, there are 2 people sitting in some pattern, near each other. If you moved to both seats on either side of yourself while looking at the people seated on the other side of the stadium, they don’t appear to move in relation to each other, right? That’s because your viewing angle doesn’t change all that much from the seat on your left to the seat on your right, because those 2 seats are too close to each other in relation to how far away those people are.

Those seats immediately on either side of you are like the size of earth’s orbit around the sun, and the people in the other side of the stadium are like how far away stars really are from us

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