eli5 If the U.S. is in so much debt, how do they remain one of the most powerful & influential countries in the world?


I feel like the United States is always meddling in other countries affairs and yet still climbing further into debt. Kind of like someone giving you advice on a golf course who is terrible themself. Is it the military presence? Economic relationships?

In: Economics

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If a country’s currency goes down, then goods from that country become cheaper. So with a big economy you can get some slack.
Secondly, even when I buy goods from Europe and ship them to Japan, I quote the price in dollars as it is considered stable. So if the dollar collapses, it would really great for my import business but not so much for the supplier, hurting the whole world economy. The dollar is mainly stable due to the oil price being set in dollars.
When a country has too much oil in control and starts selling it in euro or riyal or dinar or whatever, the US introduces freedom to that country in the form of a coup of military invasion. There is a very stable synergy between arms exports/military conflict, oil and us dollar currency. This is why for example a certain Arab country is in such a pivotal position, the US has their back in everything as long as they keep the OPEC on the dollar as a currency. But the same is true for South America and other places.
Not going to elaborate too much as I don’t want to end up in a ditch somewhere.

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