eli5 If the U.S. is in so much debt, how do they remain one of the most powerful & influential countries in the world?


I feel like the United States is always meddling in other countries affairs and yet still climbing further into debt. Kind of like someone giving you advice on a golf course who is terrible themself. Is it the military presence? Economic relationships?

In: Economics

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think the simplest and most important thing you may not be thinking about is GDP.

Think about it. You’re 5, and you’ve get an allowance of $1,000 a year.

Your older brother mows the lawn for extra allowance, so he gets $2,000 a year.

BUT your older older sister has a real job and she makes $100,000 a year.

If your older brother owed you $1,000, he’d probably be able to pay you back, but it’ll take him 6 months minimum if he doesn’t spend a dime!

However, if your older older sister owed you $1,000, she could pay you back in 3-4 days. Just wait until Friday when she gets paid.

Who would you rather lend money to?

The US debt-to-GDP ratio is like 105%. It’s big, but don’t let the size of the number scare you. Think about it’s relative size!

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