eli5: If we lose up to 200 hairs a day on our head, how are we not all bald by the time we’re in our 20’s?


eli5: If we lose up to 200 hairs a day on our head, how are we not all bald by the time we’re in our 20’s?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I wonder this too because I lose SO much hair every single day, and every day I am still baffled at how I don’t have bald spots.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the hair of most people has such a high growth rate that the new hair growth makes up for the loss.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We not only lose hair each day, but we also grow about the same amount. It’s only when you start losing more hairs than you grow each day, you start going bald.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on what kind of hair fall. In baldness the roots shrink they become crippled and malnourished not able produce a good hair follicle. With normal shedding the hair falls out and regrows normally. Normal shedding and hair loss can look very similar. Usually in hair loss more hair can be seen on the towel after shwering. In normal shedding 2-3 hairs on the towel are a sign of good hair health.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I used to live with a girl who would get up earlier than me and use the shower. When I went into the shower each day it looked like someone had been shaving a bison in there. The drain was clogged with hair, there would be some stuck on the walls and shower curtain, and there would usually be a hairbrush completely wrapped in it too.

Somehow she didn’t go bald and to this day seems to have a full head of hair, so I’m guessing it somehow grows back just as fast as she loses it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hair grows back super fast. Also to add men who lose hair do so not because hair falling or but because the hair that grows back keeps getting thinner until it’s so thin it keeps falling out and eventually gone