Eli5: if you picked a scab over and over again each time it formed, how would a cut ever heal? Would you have this wound forever or would it heal eventually regardless if you kept ripping off the scab?


Eli5: if you picked a scab over and over again each time it formed, how would a cut ever heal? Would you have this wound forever or would it heal eventually regardless if you kept ripping off the scab?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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It just slowly turns into scar tissue and encloses. The pickable part gets smaller and smaller and you’re left with a scab sized scar.

Mosquitos LOVE ME. One time I was sitting outside with a friend. Same sort of clothing and everything, same location. I got 17 mosquito bites JUST ON ONE OF MY ANKLES. He had like 5 total all over his body.

Coincidentally mosquito bites itch for weeks for me. They don’t stop even after it’s a scab and I’ve picked it. I still wake up just rubbing it fuckin raw. As an adult I try to stay away from summer evenings outside but as a kid I would have scabs all over my legs and arms every summer. THEY JUST NEVER STOP ITCHING

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