ELI5. If you were going to double the temperature of something, what would that be?


If it’s 50 degrees Fahrenheit then it’s 20 degrees Celsius. Double that and it’s 100F, and only 37C.

10C doubled to 20C is 50F and 68F.

On nice spring days I’ve always said “wow, it’s almost twice as hot today as it was last week.” But I don’t think that’s even remotely accurate.

Is Kelvin the only way to accurately measure something like this? If so, 300K is 80.33F and if you were to double it, you get 600K and 620.33F.

Would we ever be able to say “It’s twice as hot today as X time in the past?”

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

as you said, temperature measurements depend on scale.

You can make your own scale. E.g. that 70F is perfect, and everything above it is hot. So 90F is twice as hot as 80F, because 90-70=20 = 2*10 = 2*(80-70).
That will work even if you convert into C.

Or you can measure stuff like “I sweat twice as much as yesterday”.

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