eli5: In a video game, why is it so hard to create hit boxes? And why aren’t they exact copies of the character model?


Hopefully this hasn’t been asked before on this sub, but I was wondering why so many games struggle with good hit boxes? Why are they even “boxes” in the first place? I would assume they would just be carbon copies of the character model instead of having individual boxes that stretch out over the characters body.

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll try to explain but I’m sure someone else will have a better explanation. So you shoot someone. That projectile crosses the map and hits the player. Ok but how does it know it hit? You but a box around the player character so that when the bullet passes through it will send the command to injure the player. So as you are moving around this box has to be constantly calculated. As a big box vs a closely attached box with curves matching and moving with your body would be much easier to compute. Basically it’s easier on the machine.

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